Eiden 💎 Fanweek

Eiden Fanweek is a Fanweek dedicated to Eiden from Nu:Carnvial.An unknown world, lots of 'essence' and many beautiful men await Eiden on this journey! Where will this one lead him?

Mod YQ


Hello! My name is YQ and I'm the Head Mod for this event! Every night I dream of a world where an Eiden SSR exists ♡

Rules & Info

What is a fanweek?A fanweek is a fanevent usually made for a character or ship! They have prompts for typically 7 days that you can use to create works for the events theme with!• SFW tag: #Eidenfanweek22• NSFW tag: #NotSafeForEiden22• All ships are okay as long as Eiden is the main focus!• You do not need to use all of our prompts! Feel free to mix and match or skip whatever prompts you'd like!• Feel free to draw or write whatever you'd like as long as it fits our prompts and is tagged properly! Please make sure to also use the correct tags!• Have Fun!

Mod App Info!

Here you can find all information if you'd like to apply as a Moderator for this fanweek! Please make sure to read the rules carefully, any application that does not adhere to our rules will be voided.

General Rules

• All applicants have to be 18+ by the time of applying. Minors are NOT allowed to participate or interact with this fanweek in any way and will be blocked.• A discord account will be required for communication!• You may apply for multiple positions but you will only be chosen for one. Please keep this in mind when applying.• You must be able to keep up communication with all moderators during the event.

Graphics Mod Requirements

• As our graphics mod you will be in charge of the graphics for this fanweek. This includes our account layout, the prompt list layout and any other graphics we may need for our event, such as moderator announcements and possibly helping the head mod revamp the carrd design if comfortable with doing so.• You must be able to keep up communication with the JP translation moderator to keep the graphics available in both EN and JP.• You must have a portfolio available that shows off your best graphics (a minimum of 3 is required!) This can be via a google doc, a website or a social media account that is primarily used as a portfolio.

JP Translation Mod Requirements

• As our JP translator you will be required to help us translate our English posts into Japanese! This also includes translating our carrd and our prompts.• You must be fluent in Japanese and good at translating English into Japanese.• Please provide a portfolio of past translations if available, alternatively if you have written any fanworks or similar in Japanese, please provide those.

SocMed/Assistant Mod Requirements

• As our social media mod you will be required to help the head mod make posts on the fanevent account and help check each submission to make sure all works adhere to our rules before sharing them to our account.• Since this is an assistant role, you are not required to have past experience when applying, although it would be appreciated.• Please make sure you are comfortable with submissions that may include darker themes for our fanweek. If you are uncomfortable with certain themes you can let mod YQ know and they will go over those submissions, but they cannot guarantee that you won't see them when looking through our tag.

oops! It seems like you're here too early, our prompts will be revealed some time after our mod applications close~